Sunday, August 24, 2008

Full of Fun!

I now have two little soccer players! Ellis was joined by Hartsel for the annual soccer clinic this year. They had a great time and it is such fun to see them play together and rely on each other in a group setting. Ellis is a great big brother and Harstel...well she doesn't like the heat so much, but she did a great job!
School has started and we are getting into the swing of things. I now know why Ellen just giggled when I said I was going to start blogging. Until next time....

1 comment:

Robin said...


I talked to Lisa Fowler"s sister at Bible Study this week and she said she would love to hear from you. Her home number is 334-699-1904 and her cell is 334-790-7413. Cindy said she has been reconnecting with lots of friends and that she had even gotten a facebook page. Loved seeing you and your family last week. Hope they are all well. Robin Brookshire